• +62-81-110-IAPMO (42766)


Insure customer expectations are consistently met or exceeded

This standard represents the best tools and practices available to insure customer expectations are consistently met or exceeded.


Implementation the Management Systems standard, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 (previously known as OHSAS 18001) standard at your business provides a tried and tested framework for a systematic approach to managing your organizations processes.

Likewise, obtaining an ISO 9001, ISO 14001, or ISO 45001 certificate from an independent certification body such as IAPMO Group Indonesia is the best way to communicate to your clients that your business is operated upon the highest standards.



Checkmark Icon Continuous improvement

Management system standard is designed to monitor process performance and initiate improvements whenever necessary.

Checkmark Icon Verifying practice vs process

Insures that the processes laid out are being strictly followed in their actual implementation, minimizing costs and maximizing productivity through improved staff responsibility, commitment and motivation.

Checkmark Icon Objective third-party validation

Eliminates the need for multiple audits performed on a client-by client basis and boosts competitive edge by providing external acknowledgement of quality management.

Checkmark Icon Benchmarks


Establishes specific industry goals that measure process maturity and compliance, building a stronger reputation in the eyes of stakeholders through a commitment to doing things right.



IAPMO Group Indonesia is your best choice as a third-party objective certification body because extensive experience in auditing hundreds of manufacturing sites that has taught us that efficiency and consistency are the most important factors to your bottom line. To that end, we firmly believe achieving management system certification does not need to be a long, drawn-out task. We will deliver to you the benefits of management system certification sooner than other services, with unmatched flexibility to meet your needs, and backed by the trust of IAPMO’s 80 plus years of experience. IAPMO Group Indonesia registration is accreditated by KAN in accordance with ISO/IEC 17021-1.

ISO 9001 is a business standard for improving operations and quality while reducing costs.  This is accomplished by implementing business processes that meet a set of good business requirements outlined within the standard.

ISO 9001 contributes to making the development, manufacturing and supply of products and services more efficient, safer and transparent.  Companies that properly implement such a program will increase efficiency and profitability while reducing the costs associated with poor quality.

Environment is one of big issue of the worldwide. IAPMO Group Indonesia also provides ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) certification to make your organization get additional value at environmental concern.

IAPMO Group Indonesia is also able to assist you in achieving ISO 45001 certification of compliance. Nothing at your workplace is more important than the health and safety of your workers. Getting ISO 45001 certified is the best way to reduce risk and eliminate hazards. And IAPMO Group Indonesia is the best way to get certified.

An integrated management system is a single system designed to manage multiple aspects of an organization’s operations in line with multiple standards, such as those for quality (ISO 9001), environmental (ISO 14001) and health and safety management (ISO 45001). 

Most organizations are aware of the value of certification under ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and other management system standards. However, it's important to remember that the purpose of these management systems standards is to help you run a better organization. If your management systems are causing your staff to do unnecessary duplicate work, then your management systems are not delivering the optimal value they should be. 

That’s where IAPMO Group Indonesia can help you. We can provide fully integrated audits of multiple management system standards, thereby giving you reassurance that the integration of your system is effective and identifying any opportunities for further improving the integration, and therefore effectiveness, of your management system.  If you have any question regarding integrated management system, please contact us today.

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